
class OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::DynamicLibrary

DynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins


Public Methods

[more]static DynamicLibrary* loadLibrary(const std::string& libraryName)
returns a pointer to a DynamicLibrary object on successfully opening of library returns NULL on failure
[more]const std::string& getName() const
return name of library stripped of path
[more]const std::string& getFullName() const
return name of library including full path to it
[more]HANDLE getHandle() const
return handle to dso/dll dynamic library itself
[more]PROC_ADDRESS getProcAddress(const std::string& procName)
return address of function located in library

Public Members

[more]typedef void* HANDLE
[more]typedef void* PROC_ADDRESS

Protected Fields

[more]HANDLE _handle
[more]std::string _name
[more]std::string _fullName

Protected Methods

[more] DynamicLibrary()
disallow default constructor
[more] DynamicLibrary(const DynamicLibrary&)
disallow copy constructor
[more]DynamicLibrary& operator == (const DynamicLibrary&)
disallow copy operator
[more] DynamicLibrary(const std::string& name, HANDLE handle)
Disallow public construction so that users have to go through loadLibrary() above which returns NULL on failure, a valid DynamicLibrary object on success
[more] ~DynamicLibrary()


DynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins
otypedef void* HANDLE

otypedef void* PROC_ADDRESS

ostatic DynamicLibrary* loadLibrary(const std::string& libraryName)
returns a pointer to a DynamicLibrary object on successfully opening of library returns NULL on failure

oconst std::string& getName() const
return name of library stripped of path

oconst std::string& getFullName() const
return name of library including full path to it

oHANDLE getHandle() const
return handle to dso/dll dynamic library itself

oPROC_ADDRESS getProcAddress(const std::string& procName)
return address of function located in library

o DynamicLibrary()
disallow default constructor

o DynamicLibrary(const DynamicLibrary&)
disallow copy constructor

oDynamicLibrary& operator == (const DynamicLibrary&)
disallow copy operator

o DynamicLibrary(const std::string& name, HANDLE handle)
Disallow public construction so that users have to go through loadLibrary() above which returns NULL on failure, a valid DynamicLibrary object on success

o ~DynamicLibrary()

oHANDLE _handle

ostd::string _name

ostd::string _fullName

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