Font Selection
B.15.1 |
Changing the Type Style |
All LATEX 2e declarations and environments for changing type style
are recognized. Aspect is rather like LATEX 2e output, but there is
no guarantee.
As HTML does not provide the same variety of type styles as
LATEX, some type style get rendered by using colors. For instance,
the slanted shape yields maroon italics and small caps yields navy blue.
Hence, the following source
``{\slshape slanted shape} {\scshape small caps shape} '' yields:
``slanted shape small caps shape''
Here is how HEVEA implements text-style declarations by default:
\itshape |
italics |
\slshape |
maroon italics |
\scshape |
navy blue |
\upshape |
no style |
\ttfamily |
typewriter font |
\sffamily |
purple |
\rmfamily |
no style |
\bfseries |
bold |
\mdseries |
no style |
Text-style commands also exists, they are defined as
\mbox{\ decl...} . For instance,
\texttt is defined as a command with one argument whose body is
\mbox{\ttfamily#1} .
Finally, the \emph command for emphasized text also exists.
As in LATEX, type styles consists in three components:
shape, series and family.
However this distinction does not exist in HTML: one specifies a
type style and that's all.
HEVEA implements the three components by making one declaration to
cancel the effect of other declarations of the same kind.
For instance consider the following source, that exhibits shape changes:
{\itshape italic shape \slshape slanted shape
\scshape small caps shape \upshape upright shape}
Then, in the rendering below, ``small caps shape'' apears in navy blue
only and not in italics:
italic shape slanted shape
small caps shape upright shape
Old style declarations are also recognized, they translate to
text-level elements. However, no elements are canceled when using
old style declaration. Thus, the source
``{\sl\sc slanted and small caps} '' yields navy blue
italics: ``slanted and small caps''.
Users need probably not worry about this. However this has an
important practical consequence: to change the default rendering of
type styles, one should redefine old style declaration in order to
benefit from the cancelation mechanism. See
section 9.2 for a more thorough description.
All declarations, from \tiny to \Huge are recognized.
Output is not satisfactory inside headers elements
generated by sectioning commands.
The \symbol{ num} outputs character number num
from the iso-latin1 character set.
This departs from LATEX, which output symbol number num in
the current font.