ROTAMER (CCP4: Supported Program)


rotamer - list amino acids whose side chain torsion angles deviate from the "Penultimate Rotamer Library"


rotamer xyzin foo_in.pdb
[Keyworded input]


This program reads a protein coordinate file in PDB format and lists all amino acids whose side chain torsion angles deviate more than a user-defined threshold from the rotamers of the "Penultimate Rotamer Library" (ref. 1, Table I, "common-atom values").
An amino acid is listed if at least one side chain torsion angle deviates more than a user-defined threshold DELT  from the equivalent one of the nearest rotamer. Empirically, the following two-step procedure to find the nearest rotamer seems to work quite reasonably, producing only a few false negatives or false positives: The first step is to choose a subset of potential nearest rotamers in a hierarchical order going from the first side chain torsion angle Chi(1) to the last side chain torsion angle Chi(n). For a side chain with four Chi-angles, first, all rotamers deviating less than the user-defined threshold in Chi(1) are chosen, then of those all rotamers that deviate less in Chi(2) are chosen, then of those all rotamers that deviate less in Chi(3) are chosen, and finally of those all rotamers that deviate less in Chi(4) are chosen. If a subset for Chi(i) is empty, the subset for the previous Chi(i-1) is chosen and the hierarchical search is terminated. If the subset for Chi(1) is empty, simply all rotamers are chosen as a "subset". The second step is to find the nearest rotamer out of the previously chosen subset of rotamers. Here, the nearest rotamer is the one with the minimum sum over the absolute Delta-Chi(i) values.

Some remarks and hints

A reasonable threshold to start with is 30°, which is also the default. In my experience, the deviation in Chi(1) is most important. So, watch out for amino acids that deviate in Chi(1). For amino acids with longer side chains, it is worth to look at residues with at least two torsion angle deviations in the printer output. This could be a hint that an alternative (rotameric) conformation might fit the electron density as well. Remember, that even with current maximum-likelihood refinement programs the electron density maps are still somewhat biased towards the current model. So, even if an alternative conformation doesn't fit the electron density map perfectly, it might be worth to try a refinement of that conformation and inspect the electron density map again. For proline residues, it would be probably much better to check for possible ring pucker modes as done in the program WHAT_CHECK (ref. 2). Here, only the Chi(1) value of proline residues is checked.

Known limitations:

  1. All necessary coordinates for calculating side chain torsion angles must be provided, otherwise the program issues a warning and skips the residue.
  2. The output side chain torsion angles for residues with multiple side chain conformations depend on the order of the atoms: the last atoms in the coordinate file of all alternate conformations determine the values. For example, the following order of atom records in a valine residue with two alternate side chain conformations will result in the output of the side chain torsion angle of conformation B:

    ATOM    650  CG1AVAL C 444       4.997  -1.309   3.806  0.60 19.67 
    ATOM    651  CG1BVAL C 444       2.959  -1.564   5.384  0.40 29.48 
    ATOM    652  CG2AVAL C 444       3.111  -1.499   5.347  0.60 12.83 
    ATOM    653  CG2BVAL C 444       5.395  -2.257   5.300  0.40 12.68 

    whereas the following order of atom records will produce nonsense:

    ATOM    651  CG1BVAL C 444       2.959  -1.564   5.384  0.40 29.48 
    ATOM    650  CG1AVAL C 444       4.997  -1.309   3.806  0.60 19.67 
    ATOM    652  CG2AVAL C 444       3.111  -1.499   5.347  0.60 12.83 
    ATOM    653  CG2BVAL C 444       5.395  -2.257   5.300  0.40 12.68 


Input coordinates in PDB format.


DELT <threshold>

List all amino acids with at least one side chain torsion angle deviating more than |threshold| from its nearest rotamer. If this keyword is not supplied or if its value is outside the allowed range of [0,180]°, the default value of 30° is taken.


(Optional) Specifies the end of keyworded input and starts ROTAMER running.


List all amino acids with at least one side chain torsion angle deviating more than 40° from its nearest rotamer:

  rotamer XYZIN foo_in.pdb << eof 

  delt 40



Unix examples script found in $CEXAM/unix/runnable/

  • rotamer.exam


    Each amino acid is listed with its chain name, residue number, residue name, a flag, and the observed Chi(i) values followed by the Chi(i) values of the nearest rotamer in brackets. The output flag has a "*" in column "i" if the absolute value of Delta-Chi(i) is greater than the user-defined threshold, and a "o" otherwise. In the example below of a partially refined protein, the two residues A444 Val and C450 Arg were intentionally modelled with wrong side chain torsion angles into the electron density map. The residues A461 Lys and B461 Lys are very poorly defined in the electron density map.

    Rotamer list with |Delta-Chi| = 30

      Residue  Flag      Chi1         Chi2         Chi3         Chi4
    A 434 GLU  oo*    -71 ( -67)   174 ( 180)   -74 ( -10)
    A 444 VAL  *      104 ( 63)
    A 445 GLN  oo*    -79 ( -67)   178 ( 180)   122 ( -25)
    A 446 LYS  ooo*   -71 ( -67)  -179 ( 180)   178 ( 180)  -145 ( 180)
    A 448 GLN  oo*    -80 ( -67)   174 ( 180)    96 ( -25)
    A 453 ARG  ooo*   -73 ( -67)   171 ( 180)  -169 ( 180)  -143 ( 180)
    A 461 LYS  *ooo  -146 (-177)    83 ( 68)   -177 ( 180)   179 ( 180)
    B 445 GLN  oo*    178 (-177)   180 ( 180)  -121 ( 0)
    B 448 GLN  oo*    -75 ( -67)  -177 ( 180)    83 ( -25)
    B 461 LYS  oo**   -60 ( -67)  -176 ( 180)   148 ( 180)   145 ( 180)
    C 432 ARG  ooo*   175 (-177)    71 ( 65)   -161 ( 180)   -88 ( 180)
    C 445 GLN  oo*    -73 ( -67)  -177 ( 180)    62 ( -25)
    C 448 GLN  oo*   -175 (-177)   161 ( 180)  -103 ( 0)
    C 450 ARG  o***   -72 ( -67)  -135 ( 180)  -101 ( -65)   138 ( 105)


    1. Lovell, S.C., Word, J.M., Richardson, J.S. & Richardson, D.C. "The penultimate rotamer library", Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, Vol.40, 389-408 (2000).
    2. Hooft, R.W.W., Vriend, G., Sander, C. & Abola, E.E. "Errors in protein structures", Nature, Vol. 381, 272 (1996).


    Dirk Kostrewa, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, March 2002


    Rotamer tables